I have been very busy lately, with moving and planning the wedding...I feel bad that I haven't stopped to update my blog in such a long time. Well, this will be short and sweet.
I am moved into the house where Ison and I will be living together...and I am still unpacking. I can't wait to be done with boxes! And Ison still has to move his stuff into the house, which he is starting to do today after work.
This Saturday I get to go through the temple! I am very excited! And Elizabeth flies in Friday so she can be here for it!
My allergies have been getting me and I am trying to get them under control in time for the wedding so that I am not sneezing during everything. I hate having seasonal allergies!
Work is good. All the students are excited for me to get married, so it makes me all the more excited for that day to finally come...as you can see by the title of the blog, only 9 more days to go and I will be a Tenney!
I told you this would be short...Maybe I will find some time to write another blog before the wedding, but then again maybe not. :)